12 Things

Thursday, June 18, 2015 No tags Permalink

12 critical things you should never tolerate
I think that, at least for me, these things are true. I am fortunate to work with good people. Many of you may recall from a few month ago the advice I needed regarding my boss and how he would sit in my office and talk to me (or just look at me) all day long. Literally. All. Day. Long. It was making me crazy. I work much better alone. I’d much rather listen to music or NPR. Or silence.  Honestly, unless I’m in love with you, I don’t want to spend more than 45 minutes at a time in such close proximity. So, my co-worker and I came up with a solution. We were in the process of doing some rearranging of the office, and in that process, we simply removef all the  chairs from my office other than my desk chair.  Problem solved.

I no longer allow draining relationships in my life. I feel so much better for it. I thought it would be difficult to cut the ties, but the benefits outweighed the burden. Some people are energy vampires and don’t want to let go. When I realized this is the only life we get, I decided not to waste any more of it with toxic people.

I took that photo last night. I’m a little late to the Konmari method, but I love the idea of only keeping the things that spark joy. Even after the great purge I did a few years ago, I think I still have too much stuff. Also, I’m moving in a little over a month, so now feels like a good time to get rid of some more things. I’m excited about moving. Wasn’t it the author Dorothy Parker who said that she hated writing but loved having written? I feel that way about moving again. The last time almost killed me and I was bruised from head to toe. It’s just mentally unsettling for me as well. My ex-husband loved to move. The first house we bought was custom-built and it took longer to build than the time we actually lived there. We lived there just long enough for me to paint all the rooms, sledge-hammer out the concrete patio, and install a flagstone patio instead. When he told me that he’d taken a job in another city, without even talking to me first, I was less than happy. Also, this was the third time he’d done the same thing. Which brings me to #12–communication. I can handle just about anything, as long as it’s the truth. I’m straightforward, and a lot of people find that off-putting. Luckily, the ones you want to keep around don’t mind, and actually appreciate and respect the candor.

  • Desert Diva
    June 19, 2015

    What an excellent idea to remove the chair. You were able to get what you needed and you “saved face” for your boss. I’m getting ready to travel and am shocked by all the clutter in my garage. I intended to have a garage sale, but it’s going to be sitting there for awhile. 🙁 Good luck on your upcoming move – I hope it goes flawlessly.

    • Lisa
      June 19, 2015

      I’m so glad you’re going to travel again this summer. I envy your summer trips! I’ve never had a garage sale, I’m more of a donate type of person, but I choose my charities carefully. Thanks for the well-wishes on the move. I’m ready for it to be done. 🙂

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