The Present Moment

Friday, March 13, 2015 No tags Permalink

present moment

“This moment is not life waiting to happen, goals waiting to be achieved, words waiting to be spoken, connections waiting to be made, regrets waiting to evaporate, aliveness waiting to be felt, enlightenment waiting to be gained. No. Nothing is waiting. This is it. This moment is life.”

“Why does it often take extreme life situations to bring back an awareness of the magic and mystery of life? Why do we often wait until we’re about to die before discovering a deep gratitude for life as it is? Why do we exhaust ourselves seeking love, acceptance, fame, success, or spiritual enlightenment in the future? Why do we work or meditate ourselves into the grave? Why do we postpone life? Why do we hold back from it? What are we looking for exactly? What are we waiting for? What are we afraid of? Will the life we long for really come in the future? Or is it always closer than that?”
― Jeff Foster, The Deepest Acceptance


What’s here and now is all there is . For years, I’ve struggled with this fact. Most of us know this to be true in our heads, but integrating it into our daily living is another thing. It’s a practice, one that must stay a part of our awareness if we hope to be released from suffering. Anger, resentment, fear, jealously, worry, doubt—these are all things that can feel very real to us when we are experiencing them. However, they are of the mind, and just excuses to hang on to yesterday or to live in tomorrow.

I’ve made some mistakes in the past, some huge ones at that. “If only I had done things differently” used to play in my head over and over. I finally realized that way of thinking was taking me away from my present experience. When I live in the past or future, I miss out on the freedom and peace in the now. The Vacuum Law of Prosperity states that “two things cannot take up the same space, so we must let something go before the new can enter.” That is to say there must be a space for the incoming blessings of the here and now before you’re able to receive them. Clear out all the old junk, make peace with it and let it go. The more I’m able to do that, the more I’m enjoying my life now. Simple everyday things bring me immense joy when I’m actually present and fulling experiencing them.

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