Remember, Body {Poetry}

Tuesday, December 22, 2015 No tags Permalink


Remember, body, all of you houses
not only the path from one room to the next
the purpling of muscle
—in veins while you are young
love remembering, body, how to crouch like glass
how a doctor told you that pain is the first to return
watching out the window for snow—the eyes were your eyes
the love of others, body
ones who came for you in your smallest houses
in the winter—sacred hands in January that traced
the current down your spine
remember, body

-Jessica Durham

I have this quote hanging on my bathroom mirror:

Your body is a manifestation of God, and if you honor your body, everything will change for you. Practice giving love to every part of your body. This will plant seeds of love in your mind, and when they grow, you will love, honor, and respect your body immensely. -Don Miguel Ruiz

Honoring and giving love to your body means many things such as giving it good, healthy food, enough sleep, and exercise.  I saw my grandparents age well and live comfortably and in good health well into their 90s, largely due to the fact that they ate well and exercised.  Good genes probably doesn’t hurt either!  😉

The other day Ian told me that I was his inspiration to begin working out and eating healthy.  Then he added that Jefe (his dad) looks 10 years old than he is and I look 10 years younger than I am and he doesn’t want to age like his dad.  That made me laugh!

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