Now O’clock

Friday, August 29, 2014 Permalink

(Via  If you’ve never heard of the Zen Happiness Project, I highly recommend checking it out. Anthony runs a great newsletter and holds free meditation workshops.)


Living fully in this moment is not always easy, but when you do, you can completely feel the difference. It really is the only place we can experience our lives.

As I write this, I’m sitting outside on my patio. Two colibri just flew up and hovered next to me. As they flew off, I looked in their direction and saw 6 more colibri flying around, silhouetted against the puffy white clouds. It made me smile. I hope they’ve been enjoying my flowers as much as I have this summer.  At first I felt saddened by the idea that this is the first time I’ve seen them all summer, and summer is almost over. Then I remembered that they’re here now, and that I shouldn’t waste the experience. I stayed in the here and now.

I’ve accomplished absolutely nothing today, and at one point in my life that would’ve make me crazy. No, that’s wrong. I’ve done everything that I needed to do by being fully present in this day. I am alive and each and every molecule in my body is thoroughly aware of that fact. Today, I did not let my life slip by.

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