
Friday, June 20, 2014 No tags Permalink

VejleThis is in the fjord town of Vejle, Denmark. It’s near the UNESCO World Heritage Viking rune stones at Jelling.  I’d love to see the rune stones, then head north to Grenå and visit my grandfather’s hometown.  Sigh.  Maybe someday.  Although I’m not a big believer in “someday” because “someday” never comes.

I love the Danish concept of hygge. In essence, hygge means creating a nice, warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people around you. Danes are often considered the happiest people on Earth.  It’s because they know that happiness is so much more than money.  It’s being healthy, being able to take care of yourself, and having good times with those that you love.  Sounds simple enough, right?  Somehow, it’s taken me years as an adult to get to that point.  Or closer to that point.  Some days are better than others, but the general trend is in the right direction.

So until I make it to see the rune stones, I carry my own rune around with me every day.  Earlier this spring, I decided to get a tattoo.  OK, another tattoo.  Not many people have seen my fleur de lis tattoo.

inguz2 It’s the Viking rune Inguz (Ing) and it concerns new beginnings. It is also a rune of transitions  calls for us to leave the past and matters of previous situations behind us. This powerful rune implies mental and emotional strength – the strength needed to achieve completion of a task or phase. They symbol is also associated with the Norse goddess Freya. She is the goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, fertility, wealth, divination and magic.

I love it and I Iove the symbolism behind it.  What’s funny is that my mother is going to flip out once she sees it.  When I told her that I had gotten the fleur de lis tattoo she said, “What would you want to do that for?”  That’s code in her lingo that means “I think that is incredibly stupid and I am upset with you but I”m not going to say that I’m upset with you.”  Usually she reserves such things as when I told her that I was getting a divorce ( a big no-no in my family) or that I probably never getting married again (even worse in her book).   I just smile and remind her than I’m an adult, with an adult child of my own.  I’ve got a good job, good health, and I take care of myself.  I know that it’s just her own way of worrying about me and really a projection of her own fears.

  • Natasha Ramsey
    June 20, 2014

    Beautiful photos! Oh and your toes match the town so that’s a nice tie-in.

    I’m happy to hear that you are in that stage of life – wanting to find happiness and realizing that money isn’t the only driving factor or generator of happiness. I’m at that stage of life as well – living the way I want to, on my terms (for about 90% of it) and just trying to be happy, no matter the situation. I think it stems from my inner baby Buddhist 🙂 but in all seriousness, I think as we age, we care less about other people’s opinions, trust ourselves more, and some of us begin to understand and accept our mortality.

    I have relatives who have projected their fears, expectations, and limitations on me in the past and while some of it drove me to work hard and do certain things in my previous decades of life, now I’m less inclined to live according to other people’s standards and ideals and I’m all about my happiness and being there for those I love.

    Good post, it got me thinking and you know, I loves me some thoughts! 🙂

  • Lisa
    June 20, 2014

    Natasha, I’m most definitely in that stage of life. I’ve had to take a few years to figure out just what happiness means to me. I spent so many years raising my son by myself, and putting his wants and needs first that I’d forgotten what it was to want something for myself. I’m learning. 🙂 I’m still not completely living life the way I want to, but I’m getting there. I think part of my problem is that I’ve been too independent for so long, I don’t know how to be any other way. That keeps people at arm’s length away, and I’ve got some long damn arms. 😉

    Yes, trying to be happy whatever the situation must be is precisely the thing we need to do. Celebrate the small, everyday stuff.

    I’m now so un-inclined to live by other people’s standards that I tend to piss people off. Mainly my family. But that’s okay. It’s my life.

    I’m glad it made you think! Knowing that made my day. From one thinker to another. :-$

    • Natasha Ramsey
      June 22, 2014

      Excellent point of, “That’s okay. It’s my life.”. That’s how it has to be at times. I’ve been there, still there and now, I’m okay with it. Family isn’t made up of only those related by blood, it’s those we share our lives with everyday and who love us.

      When those long arms find the right fit, they’ll find ways to bend and at least, pull in a little. You know what you want and there’s nothing wrong with that. But now that your son is older, and you’re putting your needs back on a front burner, maybe you’ll start seeing those wants and desires a little more clearly, and dare I say, give in every now and again? 😉 all while celebrating the small things like wine at 4 pm on a Thursday! Continue to get your happiness, woman! 🙂

  • Kathryn
    June 21, 2014

    How is it that I didn’t know your grandfather was from Denmark? When did he move to the U.S.? That does explain your beautiful eye and hair color. 🙂

    I love your new tattoo and the meaning. BTW, I think you have the most narrow and high arched feet I’ve ever seen.

    I know you already know this, but don’t let your mom’s fears dictate your life. She loves you and wants you to have a good life. <3

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