Suck It Up, Buttercup

Monday, March 23, 2015 No tags Permalink

Do you ever have those days where everything is just…blah? For no good reason. Or maybe for lots of so-so reasons. I’m not sure. As my mother loves to tell me, “This too shall pass”. She’s right, of course. I go one step further and love to say “Suck it up, buttercup”. I say it so much that my son found this shirt and told me that I must buy it:

Suck it up, buttercup

I need an attitude adjustment, some perspective on a few things, and a dash of gratitude for what I already have. I’m just frustrated. A date I had this weekend has convinced me that many men never grow up. I used to think that maybe they matured at 40, and then I pushed it to 45. Sigh. Whatever. As Sweet Brown says, “Ain’t nobody have time for that.” But what I’m really sick of is my stalker leaving crazy random things on my car or patio. Freaking nutcase. Since she’s doing it “anonymously” the police can’t/won’t do anything. So unless she actually attacks me again, there’s nothing I can do. The police have bigger fish to fry as this city is on track to be the murder capital of the year. Tell me again why I live here. I know it could be worse. Enough whining.

On a super-positive note, I watched this video today. Ernestine Shepherd is a 77 year-old body builder with an amazing attitude. She’s an inspiration to me.

  • Natasha Ramsey
    March 23, 2015

    Some things just suck. Along the super suckage theme of how to get through life with sayings, one of my faves is, “If you’re going through hell, just keep going”. Sorry about that stalker and men not growing up. Hey, most days I don’t want to adult but I have to…or else I will be homeless or in jail. I say this because it seems they just haven’t met the right kinda crazy to combat the stalker or experienced the downsides to not adulting…
    Hang in there!

    • Lisa
      March 24, 2015

      Hey, lots of days I don’t want to be an adult! To me, there’s a big difference between childlike wonder and just plain childish. I don’t go for gossipy, dram-filled behavior. That’s what I mean by never growing up. I’m all for cart surfing in the parking lot or laughing at a corny joke. 🙂

      I’m hanging in there. I’m one tough cookie!

      • Natasha Ramsey
        March 24, 2015

        Good points! Gossipy drama queens and kings are annoying.

        And yes, cart surfing is lots of fun. I did it recently and received quite a few surprising thumbs ups and “stay fun” comments. 🙂

  • Sandy
    March 24, 2015

    My dear Lisa, so the stalker continues? Has she nothing better to do with her life? No job. And obviously not pursuing another relationship! What can I say about men? I have been with Dick for 51 years and he still does things that amaze me..and not always in a good way. He is now 73 and some days I am sure he is a toddler. At other times he is fantastic….guess that is why I overlook his tendency to make me scream.

    • Lisa
      March 24, 2015

      Yes, unfortunately, the stalker continues. It’s been three years since she was arrested. They let her plead down from the felony charges and just kept the misdemeanor assault and battery. I think there was a misdemeanor stalking charge in there as well somewhere. To answer your question: no, I don’t think she has anything better to do with her life. Sigh. I should move…again…but I don’t really want to as I’m happy where I’m living. Anyhow… 51 years! Wow! Dick is a sweetie. But I can say that because I’m not married to him. 😉

  • Charlotte Hamrick
    March 26, 2015

    I can not even imagine the stress involved with being stalked. (((Hugs)))

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