Hello, September

Monday, September 1, 2014 No tags Permalink

Hello, September

It’s Labor Day weekend and I’m winding down from 4 days off work. Four nights of sleeping like a rock, four mornings of waking up when I’m ready, not when an alarm goes off. Four days of good food, good wine, and good company with a lot of books, music, and quiet time mixed in for good measure. I’m a happy camper.
Spanish red wine
(I’m a big fan of Spanish wines. Robert Parker gave this one 92 points, and I agree)

Speaking of happy, I highly recommend the documentary Happy.

“The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.” — Benjamin Franklin

This compelling film is for anyone who thinks they’re happy, anyone who’s ever been depressed, anyone who’s tasted happiness and then watched it slip out of their fingers, anyone who feels like they’ve spent their whole life chasing happiness, and especially for anyone who’s given up on happiness or are feeling like they want to give up. So, basically, it’s for everyone. The film makers translate subjects like positive psychology, dopamine, and hedonic adaptation into clear and understandable terms for those of us who aren’t doctors or Ph.D.s. They weave technical facts with human behavior so beautifully that it’s hard not to be moved. The relationship between happiness and exercise, connection, community, cooperation, and compassion are uniquely explored. A magnifying glass is held up to things we’ve been taught will make us happy, like success, money, and beauty.


  • Sandy
    September 1, 2014

    So where do I watch this documentary?

  • Lisa
    September 1, 2014

    Hi Sandy! I hope you and Dick had a great weekend! I watched it on Netflix streaming. I’m not sure where else it’s available, but you may be able to find a copy at your public library, if you don’t have Netflix streaming. I have a Roku device that I absolutely love. I should write a post about it.

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