Golden Ratio

Monday, March 9, 2015 No tags Permalink


I’m familiar with the Golden Ratio when it comes to photography. You may know it as the rule of thirds. It’s also known as the Golden Mean or Divine Proportion. This law was made famous by Leonardo Fibonacci around 1200 A.D. He noticed that there was an absolute ratio that appears often throughout nature, a sort of design that is universally efficient in living things and pleasing to the human eye. Hence, the “divine proportion” nickname. What I didn’t know until recently, is that this Golden Ratio of 1:1.618 also applies to bodybuilding. The ideal waist to shoulder ratio also happens to be 1:1.618. Currently, I’m right around 1:1.4. One thing I do know: clothing designers and manufactures (at least here in the U.S.) don’t know jack about Fibonacci. If something fits my waist, then it’s too small for my shoulders. And if it fits my shoulders, it’s huge on my waist. So almost everything I buy ends up being something made of stretchy material.  As my son would say, first world problem.

There’s a great article I read the other day called Delts on Fire. Let me tell you, it is very aptly named.  Two sets into the mechanical drop sets of Arnold Press/Overhead dumbbell  press and my shoulders were burning.  And that was just the beginning of the workout. My ice pack and heating pad were my BFFs last night.

Honestly, it didn’t matter how much my shoulders hurt last night because I wasn’t going to sleep well anyhow.  I am not a fan of Daylight Saving Time.  It messes with my circadian rhythms for weeks. Seriously, why is it still a thing?

For me it’s not the microwave clock, but the clock in my car that I have to remember how to change. I’ll do that in a few days, when I’m hopefully less groggy and foggy.

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