The Cure for Anything

Monday, June 2, 2014 No tags Permalink

saltwaterThe name of this site originates from one of my favorite quotes by Isak Dinesen.  She’s better known as Karen Blixen, author of Out of Africa.  She was a wonderfully talented writer, a deeply passionate woman, and she lived a fascinating life.  She was also very wise.

These three very different versions of salt water can cure your soul of anything.  Cry it out, work it out, or dip your toes (or better yet, all of you) in the ocean.

  • Kathryn
    June 3, 2014

    Great quote and Out of Africa is one of the best movies ever!

    Wasn’t Karen Blixen from Denmark?

  • Lisa
    June 3, 2014

    It’s one of my all-time favorite movies. The cinematography is amazing. Do you remember that hair washing scene? There’s just something about it.

    Yes, Karen Blixen was Danish. Just another reason why she was so fantastic. We Danes can’t help but be fantastic. 😉

    Speaking of Danish, I just found out that I have to pay to change back to my maiden name (after all this time). I think it’s ridiculous to make me jump through all these hoops just to take back my given name.

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